Algorithmic Fairness – Fairness Criteria

Marcello Di Bello - ASU - Fall 2021 - Week #5

Our goal is to understand the different formal criteria of algorithmic fairness that have been proposed in the computer science literature, their pros and cons. Over the last five years, there has been a proliferation of formal criteria (metrics, measures, definitions) of algorithmic fairness. Unfortunately, the terminology in the literature is not uniform. We should keep track of the concepts rather than the terms.

The set up

An algorithm makes predictions (also called decisions) about an individual based on a collection of attributes had by the individual. The attributes are therefore the predictors. The attributes are distinguished in protected attributes (race, gender, etc.) and unprotected attributes (income, education, prior crimes, etc.).

The predicted outcome is an event of interest, such as criminal activity, defaulting on a loan, etc. The algorithm, however, does not usually make a black-and-white prediction. Rather, based on the attributes an individual possesses or lacks, the algorithm assigns to each individual a risk score that expresses the probability that the outcome of interest will occur. The prediction (decision) depends on whether or not the score assigned to the individual meets a certain threshold.The optimal threshold can be set by aiming at maximizing expected utility. Say, if an applicant is assigned a risk score for loan default of 6 or higher, the algorithm will recommend that no loan be granted to the applicant.

Algorithms are trained on historical data. When we assess their performance—in terms of fairness and accuracy—we do so by comparing the prediction and the true outcome. We make this comparison using the historical data which contain the true outcome. However, at the time of making the decision, the outcome to be predicted is not known. That is why we are making a prediction in the first place.

Arguments against…

…. anti-classification

When gender or other protected traits add predictive value, excluding these attributes will in general lead to unjustified disparate impacts; when protected traits do not add predictive power, they can be safely removed from the algorithm. But we note one curiosity in the latter case. If protected attributes are not predictive, one could in theory build an accurate risk model using only examples from one particular group (e.g., white men). Given enough examples of white men, the model would learn the relationship between features and risk, which by our assumption would generalize to the entire population. This phenomenon highlights a tension in many informal discussions of fairness, with scholars advocating both for representative training data and for the exclusion of protected attributes. In reality, representative data are often most important precisely when protected attributes add information, in which case their use is arguably justified (p. 10).4 Quotations in this section are from the paper by Corbett-Davies and Goel (2018), The Measure and Mismeasure of Fairness

…. equal false positives

Suppose … prosecutors start enforcing low-level drug crimes that disproportionately involve black individuals … suppose that the newly arrested individuals have low risk of violent recidivism, and thus are released pending trial. This stylized policy change alters the risk distribution of black defendants, adding mass to the left-hand tail. Exercise: Break down this argument. Draw the risk distribution before and after. Satisfy yourself that the reasoning is sound. Do you agree with the criticism? As a result, the false positive rate for blacks would decrease. To see this, recall that the numerator of the false positive rate (the number of detained defendants who do not reoffend) remains unchanged while the denominator (the number of defendants who do not reoffend) increases. Without considering the distribution of risk—and in particular, the process that gave rise to that distribution—false positive rates can be a misleading measure of fairness (p. 15).

The general point, of which the argument above is an illustration:

To the extent that error metrics differ across groups, that tells us more about the shapes of the risk distributions than about the quality of decisions … it is hard to determine whether differences in error rates are due to discrimination or to differences in the risk distributions (p. 12).

…. calibration

… imagine a bank that wants to discriminate against black applicants. Further suppose that: (1) within zip code, white and black applicants have similar default rates; and (2) black applicants live in zip codes with relatively high default rates. Then the bank can surreptitiously discriminate against blacks by basing risk estimates only on an applicant’s zip code, ignoring all other relevant information. Exercise: Break down this argument. Is the point here that within ZIP code there could great variability in default rates? Do you agree with the criticism? Such scores would be calibrated (white and black applicants with the same score would default equally often), and the bank could use these scores to justify denying loans to nearly all black applicants. The bank, however, would be sacrificing profit by refusing loans to creditworthy black applicants … [this] lending strategy is indeed closely related to … redlining (p. 16).

This redlining example can be generalized … we can aggregate low-risk and high-risk individuals and re-assign them risk scores equal to the group average. … Depending on where the mean lies relative to the decision threshold, this process can be used to change the number of individuals receiving positive or negative classifications (p. 16).

Trade-offs: Accuracy v Fairness

Accuracy and fairness (understood as comparative error) do not always go together. Consider for simplicity a college admission process based on just LSAT scores. Admission officers are confronted with the question, where should the LSAT score threshold for admission be set? A certain threshold may be more accurate (fewer errors overall) but may lead to more unfairness (more errors to some group and fewer to another). Another threshold may be more fair but less accurate. Which threshold should be used?

The optimal thresholdf is not the same as the fair threhsold. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020.

The optimal thresholdf is not the same as the fair threhsold. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020.

Accuracy and fairness can be both improved by relying group-based thresholds. This would violate same threshold fairness, however.

Two thresholds. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020.

Two thresholds. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020.

The performance of a family of algorithms (predictive models) could be compared by means of a Pareto frontier plotting fairness against accuracy.

Pareto Frontier. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020. Pareto Frontier. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020.

Fairness for which groups?

In aiming to be fair toward groups, which groups are we considering? The standard answer is that we should be concerned with protected groups. But why stop there? Wouldn’t the economically disadvantaged be entitled to be treated fairly even though they are not a protected group? How about the intersections of different groups, maybe some protected and others unprotected? Should fairness be relative to subgroups, as well?

Examining fairness at the group or subgroup level can also give rise to odd results. It is in theory possible to be fair toward Men compared to Women and also Circles compared to Squares, and yet be unfair across the intersections of these groups.

Fairness gerrymandering. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020. Fairness gerrymandering. Source: Kearns and Roth, 2020.